Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wisdom Teeth - Part 2

Anesthetic Phase

I don’t remember the moment I “fell asleep” or much of anything until I got home.  I was in a subconscious phase.  I vaguely remember people helping me out of the room where I had the surgery and taking me to a different room to sit.  Then, a wheelchair came and I thought, I hate wheelchairs.  I was wheeled out to our van where I thought, How am I going to manage climbing into the back seat?  I don’t remember the ride home.  Usually when I remember things of the past, I can pull up an image of what happened.  However, with this, I can only remember what I was thinking and vaguely base what actually happened on that.  I can’t picture any of it in my head.

The next thing I recall is sitting on the couch in a haze of fluctuating subconsciousness.  I must have put in a movie because I couldn’t talk to tell someone to put one in.  Mom gave me two pills for the swelling which I promptly threw up along with some blood.  I wasn’t supposed to have those pills yet and I was supposed to eat something with them.  I vaguely remember my parents bustling about and giving me pills to swallow, water and apple juice to drink, and pudding to eat.  Mostly, they tried to keep me awake.  I only responded enough so they would think I was awake, but I didn’t actually come out of my daze.  I wasn’t allowed to spit and it was hard to swallow so I had a bucket to drool in.  My dad wrapped a strap of cloth with pockets for ice packs around my head.  I knew all through this that my movie was playing, but when it was over, I couldn’t remember watching it.  So I played it again.  That’s when I actually woke up because I felt so stupid for sitting through it and not really watching it.  The numbness in my jaw and cheeks went away quickly.  My bottom lip was the last to regain feeling.

Mushy Diet


So, I can’t eat hot or solid food for a few days.  That is a problem.  I hate apple sauce, yogurt, and cottage cheese.  I finally resorted to baby food.  My dad went to get some and soon called saying they didn’t have anything I wanted.  I had asked for strawberry and pear.  He could only find pear and everything else was two to three fruits together.  He listed off things like apple banana plum medley, banana pineapple orange medley, blueberry pear granola, spring garden vegetables with brown rice, and vegetable risotto with cheese.  EWW!!  He came home with apple cherry, pear pineapple, and just pear.  Apparently, getting only one type of fruit or vegetable in your baby food is a rare find. 

Yesterday, I ate pear baby food and pudding for breakfast.  For lunch, I managed to get down luke-warm mac n cheese.  For some reason, it tasted like salami.  I also kept smelling chicken.  I want normal food soon!!!  For supper, I had luke-warm sweet potatoes.  Later, I was really hungry so I made myself some mashed potatoes.

For breakfast this morning, I ate the leftover sweet potatoes from last night, half a jar of pear baby food, and a cup of chocolate pudding.  Right now, I think I’m going to go make myself a chocolate shake now with my Oberweis chocolate milk that my mom bought me.   :) 

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